Monday, August 4, 2008

Death of American Apparel

I'm actually super intrigued by this.
Source J*davey from Everythingyoulovetohate

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Why are ya'll frontin? I started wearing American Apparel before it was renounced the best thing in the planet, due to the fact that my Mom's ex coworker was the right hand of Dov Charney when they opened up the company under her credit account. (She owns two company cars.) And I've worn my gold bra when all ya'll were still wearing Hanes. Not trying to be a hater or anything, I'm just saying most of you shouldn't be complaining how huge the company has become to be and how you've been a devoted shopper for x amount of years. AA was supposed to be built on comfort, not hype. I guess it's everyones fault for mimicking their butter-faced hipster models and putting their flyer all over the place giving them free advertisement to the masses. Also, hating American Apparel is like hating cheeseburgers. It's unnecessary and everywhere.

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